If your family is expected, then this publication will certainly interest you.
It is believed that for the first time insulated ventilated facades to be used for skyscrapers in America, to facilitate their design,…
At present, the hinged facades are becoming more and more popular.
The attitude to apartments in panel houses, as to the most not comfortable for living, was still in Soviet times, when houses…
Wooden houses today are gaining more and more popularity among the population due to the naturalness and strength of their materials that…
Parquet is reckoned with noble flooring. Its popularity does not decrease over time, and even grows.
The popularity of plastic windows is not doubted. They have many advantages, so they are in demand.
When planning a glazing of your balcony, you should decide what kind of glazing it will be, and for what purpose it…
The construction of individual housing was unusually popular in our time.