Home construction

Which septic tank to choose for autonomous sewage

For autonomous sewage systems, as a rule, two types of treatment facilities are used – biological cleaning station and septic tanks. The stations have very many different advantages over septic tanks, so their use in country houses and in cottages is preferable. For giving, due to the not low price of stations, it is more profitable to use a septic tank (although, of course, comfort from its use will be less).

One of the disadvantages of the septic tank for a summer house or a country house is his work in winter. It is believed that the drains in it can freeze. Especially worrying are those who establish this treatment plant in the summer or early autumn. But, according to some experts, subject to the project and the installation rules, nothing will happen to the sewer in winter.

To begin with, let’s talk about the principle of the septic tank. Septic tank is the container into which wastewater will drain from the house and structures on the site (for example, baths). Under the influence of microorganisms, these drains are decomposed.

If the septic tank is immersed in the ground to a depth of more than two meters, then you can be sure that the drains will not freeze. For central Russia, the freezing temperature of the soil is just about 2 meters. And below its soil has a temperature of about 5 degrees Celsius. Therefore, the drains at such a depth will not freeze, and your sewage system for a summer residence will survive the winter. But this does not mean at all that you will need to dig a jacket of large depths – 2 meters to pass the freezing of the soil and a couple more meters for installation of a septic tank. After all, drains can not fill the septic tank completely, but is at its bottom, therefore. And so that the stocks are as little as possible in winter, call the Assencing machine in the fall.

Do not forget that in the septic tank, as well as in biological cleaning stations, bacteria perform waste processing work. Just in the stations, microorganisms of several types are used and therefore their work is more efficient. Bacteria that decompose organic substances in drains produce heat, which can also be sufficient to heat the treatment plant.

In addition, the drains themselves are warm, because we are engaged in the sink of dishes in warm water, washing machines warm the water, and we bathe and we also wash with warm water. Therefore, even given the passage of drains through the pipes, wastewater will be quite warm.

Given these three factors, we can assume that the septic tank will survive the winter.

And when installing the sewer, it is necessary to perform procedures that ensure normal operation of the septic tank in winter. We are talking about thermal insulation. As a rule, when installing a septic tank, it is covered with some kind of thermal insulation material, and for the winter, after pumping out the drains, the lid is tightly closed and also covered with thermal insulation.

All these procedures will allow your sewer system to function in winter and preserve your functional qualities.