Decorating walls with wood is considered the most expensive and solid option, but such finishing will be quite expensive and not everyone can afford it.
There is an alternative option – this is veneer finishing, the main advantage of which is a relatively low price, as well as ease of installation. Walls decorated with veneer will be identical to solid wood and will create coziness and comfort in the room.
Types of veneer coating
It is quite irrational to use only one veneer when decorating walls, because before pasting it will be necessary to level all the walls, as a result, the repair will be quite expensive. The best way out in this situation will be to cover the walls with veneered panels, they are ideal for achieving this goal. Such finishing will not be cheap, but it costs less than decorating the walls with real wood.
The parts that need to be installed on the wall are made exclusively of wood, which makes the task a little easier. The simplest solution would be to attach directly to the wall using glue, nails or screws. But this option will have a drawback – it is less space under the surface, and it is also necessary to use an absolutely flat base, which is not always the case.
The installation of the frame occurs according to the same scheme for fixing plastic panels, plasterboard, etc. It is quite easy to attach the product, using clamps will be the best solution, but you can use nails or self-tapping screws.