
What materials are made of metal -plastic windows

Metal -plastic windows are known for all the designs that consist of a double -glazed window and a profile made of polyvinyl chloride, they bring long -awaited silence and warmth to our house. How safe the windows are made of polyvinyl chloride, material consisting mainly of oil products? In terms of strength, window structures from PVC have long overdoed wooden frames. The temperature difference, which is “ready to withstand” a plastic profile on average from -50 to +60 degrees Celsius. And if the average operation of windows from polyvinyl chloride, positioned by manufacturers, is about 20 years, then specialists of the standardization and certification bodies argue that windows from a strict profile can last 50 years. Of course, this cannot be asserted about the seals and accessories, which often regularly serve their owners under 15 years old. Of course, experts denote us a borderline life, a clear thing that a marriage is sometimes found, or the design is used very often and not always without unnecessary efforts, then the life of accessories and seals is reduced to four years. In fact, this does not say anything about the manufacturer, it is rather a consequence of frequent use and strong temperature changes.

About how unsafe plastic constructions are said, quite a lot. In the production of profiles, heavy metals and sometimes lead are really used. But the profile created using modern technology eliminates the release of harmful substances, unless it is heated to the level of melting, which is tantamount to a fire in the room. As for the environmental friendliness of the PVC profile, at least how many are saved from the cutting of forest hectares, thanks to plastic windows, deserves special gratitude. The fact that in apartments with plastic windows is much quieter and warmer than with wooden ones – a fact that is not doubtful.

The first plastic windows over time turned yellow, under the influence of sunlight. At the moment, modern plastic is deprived of this problem, in connection with the inclusion of special additives in the composition, which do not allow the profile to change the color. It is impossible not to emphasize the fire safety of plastic structures, the PVC itself is not inclined to fire and cannot support the fire, moreover, the properly installed plastic window should help destroy the fire, since vacuum double -glazed windows are quite good heat insulators, and therefore the windows are not touched and the oxygen influx will not occur, So the fire will gradually come to naught.