
The main reason for the use of wood is accessibility and simplicity

The use of wood in the construction of houses, since the time of the “king of peas”, is due to its accessibility, the simplicity of processing. It is not the last factor in the list of advantages of wood that the buildings built with its use have their own, a special aura, unlike stone.

In addition, interior details that were used and are still used, for example, carved platbands or decoration of roof skates, were created and installed directly during the construction of buildings.

Modern methods of interior design and exterior of wood from wood provide, first of all, to ensure the comfort of people living there. These include, inter alia, the processing of wood with various solutions and impregnations, which, without affecting the appearance of the house, provide the duration of its operation, resistance to weather phenomena and immunity to the fungus and bacterial infections.

Far from the design of wooden houses is also played by the design of personal plots. For this, gazebos, various shapes and sizes are installed in the yards, as well as build children’s and sports grounds built of wood and decorated with wood carvings. They can be entire towns made in an old style or using images of fairy tales and epics. They are delighted by the children and the surprise of the guests.

In addition, wood allows you to change the environment of external arrangement of the house with much lower cost than alteration, by the way, of a modern garden equipped with an alpine hill.