
Tapestry. Vintage interior.

Tapestry is woven from threads, in the technique of weaving, decorative fabric with a compositional plot. The name came to us from the French language when the manufactory of brothers was opened at the royal court. Now they call this a variety of woven works – from upholstery upholstery to modern carpets of author’s work. If we consider the tapestry as an object of decorative and applied art, then it has been known since ancient times. As an interior decoration was used by ancient Chinese, Romans and Egyptians.

In the Middle Ages, tapestry was created manually from silk or woolen threads. Up to a dozen people could work on the creation of the product for more than a year. As a result, works of art appeared that adorned the walls of temples, palaces and castles. The work was very expensive. Only wealthy and noble persons could acquire tapestries. The tapestry in the houses looked not only as a jewelry that pleased the eye, but also acted as a heater, protecting the premises from drafts. Currently, there are very few masters who are engaged in the production of tapestry manually. Mostly they are trampled on special machines. Tapestry is still a stylish and relevant element of decoration of the interior of residential premises.

Curtains, bedspreads, wall panels, screens, festive tablecloths, decorative pillows – everywhere tapestry will be a piece thing that has a unique taste and character. Design and topic of drawings are the most diverse. You can see tapestries with the theme of flowers and still lifes, a panel in the style of Provence, with episodes of history events and even copies of famous paintings. When choosing a plot for interior design, it is necessary to take into account your own style, mood and your idea of ​​comfort.

Wherever there is a tapestry – in the living room, bedroom, office – everywhere in the interior it will look rich, prestigious and beautiful. With it, you can create an antique or classic style, add softness to hard high-tech. The volume of textured fabric creates the game of shadows and light, each stitch and each thread plays an important role in the general idea of ​​the plot.

The introduction of threads from synthetic fibers in the current tapestries make their coloring brighter and resistant and give the product a constant shape. For the convenience of keeping tapestry, it is treated with antistatic and a special remedy against dirt and dust. Caring for it is not complicated – cleaning with a vacuum cleaner or dry brush. All over the world recognized manufacturers are Germany, France and Belgium.