
Sanitary protection zone-a guarantee of environmentally friendly construction

Construction is the industry of human activity that is constantly developing, and innovative activity in this area is a necessary condition for the successful development of scientific and technological progress. It is inextricably linked taking into account modern safety requirements in relation to the environment.

One of the most important design elements is the establishment of the border of the so-called SPZ (sanitary protection zone). It is she who establishes the zone of influence of the under construction, and in the future of the operated, object on the state of the adjacent territory. As a rule, the border of the SPZ, like the main purpose of the SPZ, are strictly stipulated in the current regulatory documents, which must be taken into account when designing and building an object, especially when it comes to industrial production, which has a certain aggressiveness in relation to the environmental well -being of the territory.

The presence of a SZZ not only provides a safe state of the adjacent territory, but also enshrines legal responsibility for the nature user in the field of ensuring the improvement of this buffer zone. And in the territory of the zone, a special regime of regulation of the construction of other social facilities is valid, taking into account what the possible influence of the built industrial enterprise will be on them.