
Is it worth using the heating of the floor in the bathroom?

Despite the fact that the bathroom is intended for bathing, its feature is that the flooring (often this tile or porcelain tile) remains very cold. It is worth standing on such a floor with bare feet as the cold penetrates the body to the bone.

Such a low floor temperature does not depend on the time of the year, and remains stably icy both in winter and in summer. In order not to suffer from such a trouble, the installation of a warm floor will be the best solution.

Despite the fact that in the bathroom increased humidity is almost constantly preserved, and there is always a danger of water spill, you can completely equip electric floors safely. Contact between a person and open electric cables will simply be impossible, since the latter are covered with cement screed and flooring, not allowing such a contact.

In addition, if spray of water accidentally falls on the electric floors, they will quickly dry due to the fact that the floor surface will be warm. If a solid water leak occurs, then the system will automatically turn off, for which, when installing it, you should definitely install a protective shutdown (RCD) device using a separate electrolyte. In any emergency case, the RCD will turn off only this line without touching the rest in the house.

The electric warm floor in the bathroom will be maintained in a stably heated state, as a result of which it will be regularly dried. The dampness will leave the room, fungal settlements and mold will stop appearing in its corners, and towels will dry out in a timely manner.

To lay an electric floor, you can use two ways. First, lay an electric cable, pour it with concrete and lay the tile on top. Such a floor will release heat when exposed to electric current cable. In order for its heat to rise up, under the cable you should put the thermal insulation coating in advance: so you will not begin to heat the neighbors living below.

The disadvantage of the cable floor is that the wires produce electromagnetic radiation, which is harmful to humans, and also consume a noticeable amount of energy, t. e. are uneconomical.

The second electrical floor option is the laying of a thin infrared film, which is a roll with a width of 40 to 100 cm. The heating element in such a film is graphite elements mounted in durable polyethylene.

Thanks to such a heating system, the bathroom will become a cozy room with a favorable microclimate, in which it will be pleasant to spend time even without the use of slippers and always wet rugs.