
How to properly glue wallpaper on the ceiling

For high -quality pasting the ceiling with wallpaper, you first need to prepare the surface. Remove the previous coating and wash off whitewashing. So that the wallpaper adjacent well, the plane should be smooth. Irregularities are removed with a spatula. Когда удалить бугры шпателем не получается, используют болгарку. If pieces of reinforcement are exposed, they are cut and stained so that the rust does not appear on the surface. If the fungus traces are found on the ceiling, the surface is covered several times with an antiseptic.

Gluing is carried out at a plus temperature. Windows and doors are closed to prevent drafts. To determine the desired size of the strip of wallpaper, measure the size of the plane and add 5-7 cm. It is better to glue the canvases along the length of the room so that the number of joints is minimal.

Before gluing, the plane is treated with a primer. A solution of glue can be used as a primer. It is made liquid and coated the ceiling. The prepared canvas is placed on the floor and applied glue. If non -woven wallpaper is used, the sides of the strip are folded in the center. The wallpaper should lie down a little to soak in glue.

The sheets are glued to the surface and rolled with a roller. With the help of a spatula for wallpaper, the air is driven under the sheet. Movements are made from the middle of the canvas to the edge. A sharp knife is used to cut the edges.

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