
How to prepare for the wall of walls: what to take into account

If you plan to paint the walls, then you need to carefully prepare. First you need to clean the walls of the old facing material using a spatula or a metal brush. In the event that the putty has departed in some places, then it must be removed. Then cover the surface with a new layer. If the wall was previously covered with whitewashing, then it is thoroughly washed off.

The level of adhesion can be increased by covering the walls with several layers of primer. As the first layer, you can use the diluted solution to thoroughly saturate the surface. After that, ordinary primer is used.

Now you can apply a layer of putty. To do this, you need to pull the thread. Pre -assess whether the wall is even using the building level. If the differences exceed a few centimeters, then you will need to reduce the surface again. At the same time, it is better to use the solution, the basis for which gypsum acts, since it has a higher level of adhesion. You can use a special net, which will greatly facilitate your work.

Then you need to apply the finish putty to the surface, with which all the differences will be finally removed. At the same time, you should not think that you can simply paint over irregularities, since in the future they will appear even more.

Before applying paint, without fail again cover the wall with a primer. Make sure that the sinks are not formed, since this is negatively affecting the attractiveness of the surface. After that, you can apply the first layer of paint. It is considered the manifest. To do this, you can use a roller or a special brush. If you plan to work with decorative materials, then you need to choose the appropriate tool.