
How does the construction of a country house begins?

The decision to build a country house is finally made, all doubts are discarded, the funds are available and you need to start. How exactly? You should choose the most suitable site for you and collect maximum information about it. Mandatory information should be information on soils, topographic base, technical conditions for connecting to engineering systems and communications. Next, select building materials for the construction of the house. It can be a brick, a beam, gas -slander blocks, and so on.

Then it is necessary, guided by the project, to make an estimate for the production of upcoming work. And move on to the choice of the performer. The most affordable options are the conclusion of a construction contract with a specialized company or hiring a team of builders. And if in the first case you will need a little more money, compared with the team of builders, then in the second it will be a kind of lottery. By virtue of current legislation and from the point of view of your legal security, it is advisable to conclude an agreement with a construction contractor. And quality, control, and for construction defects, it is possible to demand compensation for losses or gratuitous elimination of them. Organization of the organization is different. It is necessary to choose a construction company based on several factors:

– The duration of the company in the construction market;

– Entry into the SRO;

– Reviews about the company;

– The availability of all permits;

– The presence of its own material and technical base.

Keep in mind that construction companies are also large and small. The latter, by the way, will cost you somewhat cheaper than huge construction organizations.

Another important point is the organization and implementation of construction control (technical supervision of construction progress). In the event that you are a specialist in the field of construction, you can control its production yourself. Otherwise, it is most effective to contact a third -party organization that provides services for conducting technical supervision measures. Do not hire a technical supervision engineer in the same company that is engaged in the construction of your home. In this case, it is very difficult to talk about the objectivity of such control. The engineer you hired, depending on the terms of the contract with him, will constantly or with a certain regularity control the compliance with construction technologies, the conditions and requirements of the project.