
Classification of steel pipes: which option to choose

Steel pipes can be called one of the most common types of pipes. First of all, steel pipes are used for installation and permanent work in the field of water supply, as well as in the field of steam heating.

Steel pipes are made of durable material called steel. Most often, steel is used by oval or ring -shaped hollow section, which have a cross -section of a large length and a variety of choice relative to their diameter.

Varieties of steel pipes

Seamless steel pipes are one of the most expensive materials, but it is worth noting that this method of manufacturing steel pipes is one of the strong and high -quality methods. An additional parameter in the manufacture of pipes is the use of anti -corrosion coatings, which contribute to an even longer working time. The steel pipe is processed both inside and outside.

Steel pipes that are made using a welded method. Such pipes are usually used for wide and general use. The diameter of such pipes can vary from 530 to 1420 mm.

A variety of the diameter of the steel pipe depends on the internal diameter, since the thickness of the walls can be different. The thickness of the steel pipe usually can be only 7 mm, and can reach 19 mm. With all this, a steel pipe can reach 11.5 meters in length.

Weight category of steel pipes

In order to determine the weight of the pipe, you need to know a few important characteristics:

Pipe diameter

The thickness of the walls

The length of the pipe itself

In the case, when it comes to water and gas pipes, then it is worth paying attention to the density of steel. Typically, its density is equated with 7.85 g/cm, but it is worth remembering that there are maximum permissible deviations that cannot exceed +8 percent.

If we talk about the minimum service life of a steel pipe, then we can talk about ten years of continuous use. It is worth remembering that the maximum number of years that are allocated to use steel pipes is 30 or even 40 years.

Disadvantages of steel pipes

The most basic disadvantage when working with steel pipes is that they are poorly bent, and accordingly extend. As a result, as a consequence of steel pipes are heavily processed at a working moment.

The process of technological manufacture of steel pipes itself should have stiffness and mechanical strength. In order to make such pipes, it is necessary to have quality standards in accordance with GOST.