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Advantages of using stretch ceilings

Today in many Russian apartments you can find not ordinary, but suspended ceilings. In their material, they can be completely different: from ceilings made of polyvinyl chloride (the most common option), to fabric. They are also in demand for the reason that their installation does not take too much time. In this case, the apartment or house is instantly transformed.

In general, the advantages of stretch ceilings can be characterized as follows:

a huge variety of color colors and drawings (if desired, you can even post your own photo on the ceiling);

The loss of the height in the room will be minimal (visually the ceilings will look even higher than they were before);

vapor permeability;

environmental Safety;

refractory (many do not know, but polyvinyl chloride contains a special supplement, which makes the ceiling film self -adjacent);

Relative cheapness and small costs for auxiliary materials (brackets, corners, etc.).

By the way, you can order inexpensive ceilings along with their installation here, on the website of the Stretchofff company. Prices here are really the lowest in Tyumen, judging by the reviews of customers. The price of ceilings starts at 300 rubles per 1 m² (this is already taking into account installation and lighting).

So, it’s pointless to talk about diversity: stretch ceilings can be of different colors and have a variety of patterns. By the way, today the ceilings under the “starry sky” became popular again, which are black canvases with stars depicted on them (they cannot be distinguished from the real summer starry sky).

As for the loss of the height of the room, the following should be noted here: glossy ceilings increase the height much more than matte. We are talking about visual perception, of course: physically, they “eat” the same amount of height (the loss will be from 15 to 20 centimeters, if we are talking about complex multi -layer ceilings, then this indicator can be up to 40 centimeters, but it is not critical).

In general, hinged ceilings are an inexpensive option with which you can completely transform the interior of the room