Home construction

Is it possible to install the front door on your own

The reliability and quality of operation of the front door largely depends on the literacy of its installation and here it does not matter the price and quality of this door. In order that all the declared characteristics of the front door, in strength and reliability, were able to appear in full glory, it is necessary to properly install it. Often the problem of installing the front door disappears by itself when it is installed by the same company from which it was ordered. This kills several birds with one at once, firstly, in this situation, you do not need to look for specialists to install the front door and, in the second one, a warranty is always given for such an installation. Although of course you can install the door yourself, this will save some money. But at the same time, it should be said that an independent installation of the front door is not such a simple task, in addition to the tools, it also requires the skills of carrying out such work, and the money will have to be spent in any case, since they will need to buy installation foam. By the way, now the sale of apartments in Novosibirsk is very popular.

The first stage of the installation of the new door is always the dismantling of the old. These works require accuracy in order to avoid violation of the integrity of the doorway. During the dismantling, first you need to remove the door leaf from the loops, and then remove the door box.

The second stage of mounting the front door is the preparation of the doorway. This stage includes the removal of all extraneous materials remaining from the old door, and which is not a little important to inspect the doorway for damage, which may affect the installation of a new door.

The third stage is to fix the new door, in the doorway. The fastening is carried out using special anchors, which are driven into pre -drilled holes.

The final fourth stage is the seal of all the cracks between the wall and the door box.