The popularity of polymeric floors with 3D effect is growing every day. Therefore, more and more people are interested in directly the technology of installation and the ability to independently perform this work. Do not compare 3D floors with a TV with special glasses for watching a movie with various effects. The installation of an unusual floor requires just the work of the artist in the 3D style. The main secret is that it is necessary to consider the picture from certain angles that open the volumetric illusion of the image.
The final result looks most realistic in large rooms. Small rooms do not make the drawing so stretched as to see the whole charm of the effect. Burning floors are produced in the same way as photo wallpaper. Their advantage is the unique ability to imitate various paintings. Thus, this element of the decor is a graphics that is applied to a certain surface. Having decided on an independent installation of the floor with effects, it is necessary to start with the preparation of a concrete foundation. After the first stage is completed, the floor should be poured with a polymer, after its solidification, glue a laminate sticker with the selected pattern. To perfectly make this stage and get 3D training is extremely important. In conclusion, everything is poured with transparent liquid, polymer. The thickness of the last layer should be no more than two millimeters, but at the same time at least one and a half.
In order for the surface to freely freeze, it will take a week. After which it is necessary to carefully polish the floor, cover it with polyurethane varnish. It is worth noting that all stages of the implementation of this process must be performed in the respirator, this will eliminate the possibility of causing poisoning by harmful chemicals that evaporate.
The bulk floors are characterized by special strength, absolutely not harmful to human health, since they do not emit toxins during operation. It is also easy and easy to care for them. Before you start installing a floor with a 3D effect on your own, you should think carefully. After all, this is a fairly laborious process that requires great experience and certain skills. To get the desired result, it is best to seek help from specialists. They will make work efficiently and quickly, and will also surely provide a guarantee.D