
How to make glue for wallpaper with your own hands: what to take into account

Glue for wallpapers is easy to do yourself. This useful recipe uses flour as a base. Adding an environmentally friendly solvent retains it from damage and gives it natural pesticidal properties. This traditional recipe was popular among decorators for many years.

Mix 250 g of rye or wheat flour with 1 liter of warm water, mix well with a panicle. Gradually add water to the consistency – thin, smooth and without lumps.

Heat this liquid mixture over low heat for 5 to 10 minutes, constantly stirring. The pasta thickens significantly.

Gradually add another liter of warm water, allowing the mixture to heat up and swell again after each adds water.

Beat regularly. When the mixture slowly flows from the corolla, the pasta is ready. Drain the glue in a spare container, for example, old buckets or salad bowl.

To protect the wallpaper glue from damage and give it the properties inherent in pesticides, add 2 tablespoons of an environmentally friendly solvent (turpentine). The solvent is not mandatory if the room is clean and dry. The solvent also accelerates the drying time of the glue. But for the wallpaper to dry faster, you can use fans that you can buy here . If you want the wallpaper glue to dry slowly, add 2 tablespoons of sugar to the recipe.

These two liters of glue are enough to glue three wallpaper rolls. When you glue the wallpaper of this paste of flour and water, it is necessary to cover not only the walls, but also the wallpaper.

A little about this poke:

1. Such a wallpaper glue is environmentally friendly.

2. This pasta is suitable for gluing standard, non -vinyl wallpaper.

3. The walls should be smooth, dry, healthy and clean.