
How beautiful and cheaply glue wallpaper for painting

Almost every adult periodically has to deal with the repair of a dwelling or office premises. To update the interior is the easiest way to cross the wallpaper and repainting the ceiling. To do this, you can invite a team of builders who will quickly give your apartment the desired look. But the work of professionals is expensive, and if you want to save money, you will have to get to work yourself. Moreover, gluing wallpaper is not particularly cunning. The main thing is to follow the tips below.

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the choice of wallpaper. Having acquired thin wallpapers not of the highest quality, most likely you will not be able to stick them beautifully on the walls. Bleing of wallpaper with drawings will require great attentiveness when combining the details of the pattern, respectively, when selecting it will be overspending the canvas, unnecessary expenses of money, time, and maybe nerves. But if you purchase wallpaper for painting, then gluing will give you pleasure, because they perfectly lie on the walls and ceiling, easily stained. In addition, subsequently you can also easily repaint them into another shade.

By choosing wallpaper for painting, you can begin to prepare walls. First you should thoroughly clean the surface of the old wallpaper. To do this, you can try to remove their dry. If it does not work, you will have to moisten with a soap solution, adding wallpaper glue to it. Wallpaper impregnated with such a solution, are easy to remove with a spatula. However, there are always small islands of paper, which tightly hold on the wall. Such pieces can be pumped with an iron through wet fabric, then they can easily remove from the wall. If the walls were previously painted with paint, then it must be eliminated using sandpaper. On the purified walls there are minor defects in the form of potholes and cracks, which need to be plastered, influxes and tubercles – to be trimmed with the surface.

Now you can start gluing wallpaper. Wallpaper must correspond to the type of canvas. By measuring the height of the wall and adding to the length of 4-5 cm, you can cut off the stripes of this length. The most important thing is to strictly vertically glue the first strip, t. To. Everyone else will go across it. Smell strips in the direction of the top-down and from the center to the sides. For perfect adhesion to the surface of the wall, you can use dry rag or special blades. To obtain beautiful corners, it is worth gluing the strip for the most part to the perpendicular walls, and the floor with a dull object is neatly so as not to break, to bring the canvas into the corner. Have a nice work!