
How to make a frame house with your own hands

Many dream of their home, but, unfortunately, this dream is rather a luxury and most thinks that they will have to huddle in a 1-2 room apartment all their lives.

But there is good news: construction technologies never stand still, now it is possible to build a house for 100 square meters for absolutely everyone. You don’t have to invest a lot of money.

Frame houses are a new type of houses. They are environmentally friendly, as they are made of natural materials, do not require a huge foundation, since light, warm in winter and cool in the summer, and most importantly cheap. If you don’t want, then you can relatively not expensive to order turnkey frame houses. You can buy ready -made sets from various companies and just collect it, or you can come up with the design and design of the house, buy materials and build it with your own hands for a month.

In the example, consider a standard rectangular house. Where to begin? Of course from choosing a place under the house on your land plot. It is determined where the entrance, windows, etc. should be. D. Next, you need to make the foundation. Since the house is light, the foundation is suitable for the cheapest type – columnar. It is a reinforced concrete pillars that are installed at the corners and around the perimeter of the house, and in order to avoid their overturning, they are pulled together by metal locks.

Now you need to lay the first floor level. For this, wooden bars of 20 x 20 will come in handy, of which a mesh frame and boards are assembled with a thickness of 15 and a width of 20 cm. The frame is assembled using nails, or screwing the iron corners. The boards are tightly packed on the frame. For insulation of the floor on top, it is worth laying a waterproofing material and insulation, after which the same frame floor is installed on top.

The walls are assembled using the same technology, only the insulation changes to a denser, mainly in the form of blocks and settles between the bars of the frame. The frame is also sheathed on both sides by hydraulic protection material, and then with boards.

The roof is more complicated in manufacturing, as builders must provide it with a sloping in one or two sides. To do this, you should first install the ceiling, which will protrude 15-20 cm in both directions. The thickness of the boards should be at least 20 cm, as well as the width. At the point of the top of the roll, beams are installed at the edges and one or two in the center. These beams also fill the partition on top. Thus, the second point of the support will turn out, since the first is the protruding end of the ceiling. Then it remains only to fill the beams of 20 x 20 cm at a distance from each other at least 50 cm, and then nail the boards to these beams. Get a finished wooden roof. But for the end of the robot, it should be covered first by water protection, or roofing ground, and then fill the slate. After installing the pieces in the Nutria at the house, these will be the same frames, only they do not have to fill them with insulation and their thickness will be enough 5-10 cm.

The entire internal wiring is also thought out in advance. You can even draw on the boards where there will be switches, sockets, chandeliers. And then just stretch the wire inside the walls, but it is imperative to set the wires to iron or rubber covers (a regular hose for watering is perfect). The water supply and sewage systems are also simply installed, for this, holes are cut through in places of connection with the pipes of urban communications, and then compacted by sealants. The heating of the house can be made by a gas or electric boiler, of course, the use of a conventional wood stove in a wood house, to put it mildly, is not safe, even if the tree is saturated with a fire -resistant mixture. Now it remains to stick wallpaper, install windows and doors and you can safely enter your new house.